About US

Advice 2 Business was established to help business owners solve problems in the most cost- efficient manner.

The first issue any business raises is, can I afford a business advisor? The answer is quite simply that Advice 2 Business guarantees that our help will result in either savings or extra profit for that business that exceed any fees.


Businesses are complicated things. No two businesses are the same. Often driven by a single individual. The first step is a fully funded initial meeting to take a “snap shot” of your business challenges. At this meeting key challenges are identified, and then you will be free to engage fully in a three-month plan.

Unlike some of the National Business Coaching franchises, with Advice 2 Business fee levels are set at a realistic and manageable level. The reason is quite simple; because we want to continue to help you develop your business not just for three-months but ongoing. By then, Advice 2 Business will have demonstrated real value to your business!

Professional Business Advice

If Advice 2 Business cannot make your business successful, then we lose too. We want to take you on to great things maximising your own quality of life, always working towards optimum profitability.

We want to be with you every step of the journey.

There are just so many pitfalls out there for businesses. You will have at your disposal help with any problems the instant they present themselves.

Business support in cardiff

We are at your side.

We do a lot more than simply tell you what to do. So, whether it’s a new start business, one that’s hit some challenging problems, or a time has come to either expand rapidly or sell, we can help plan this properly with you.


The next step is to complete the enquiry form. We will get in touch immediately to arrange an initial meeting. Always happy to arrange evening appointments so as not to disrupt your schedule.

Enquire about moving your business forward

We guarantee that our help will result in either savings
or extra profit for your business